Purpose of the blog

A place to help "hair interested" people embrace, explore and experience their special feelings with others who may have similiar hair interests. Encouraging interactive participation in the "hair interested" community to discuss, learn and to increase social awareness and acceptance.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Today is cape day...

Two comments, a close friend of mine loves capes, tight around the neck, long and involving the person in chair. So this is for him.
Second, I would love to learn how to fasten the cape using this handsome stylist as a model and then I would try to persuade him to let me chop his ponytail, LOL.
Posted by Harriet.


  1. "Handsome" with a pony tail. Nope, sorry. Those 2 things don't go well together.

  2. Dear reader, I agree. I think the ponytail should go!

  3. I love capes especially red and blue
