Purpose of the blog

A place to help "hair interested" people embrace, explore and experience their special feelings with others who may have similiar hair interests. Encouraging interactive participation in the "hair interested" community to discuss, learn and to increase social awareness and acceptance.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nape clippering @capelover6

Brown striped cape a video by capelover6 on Flickr.

Long cape, neckstrip, nape clippering... OMG.
Posted by Harriet.


  1. Great video! It is so nice to see videos like this. Also, does anyone know the brand of clippers that was used in the video?

    1. I watched the video in full screen and was not able to read the brand, let's wait for anyone's else knowledge. Maybe Harry can recognize it.
      Posted by Harriet.

  2. I believe it is a Norelco.
