Purpose of the blog

A place to help "hair interested" people embrace, explore and experience their special feelings with others who may have similiar hair interests. Encouraging interactive participation in the "hair interested" community to discuss, learn and to increase social awareness and acceptance.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My latest haircutting experience: some details

I have promised you that I would report something about my last week haircut. Here it goes. Anticipation was one of the key components of the value of all the experience. Choosing the stylist, thinking about the instruction I want to give him (e.g., am I going to be vague or specific? should I risk going shorter?, etc.), discussing and sharing this with a fetishist online friend who is accepting about the whole thing (and who slightly pushes me to be daring and go short, maybe trying a pixie or a dreading little boy's haircut), all these were steps that have created a pleasant crescendo of emotions.
I have decided that I would say "Please, let my nape be very close and short, in a certain kind of daring style, and keep the shortish bob, please ". as if these words were as casual as performing a quotidianne task like buying bread at bakery shop nearby.
I set an early evening appointment.  When I arrived there the place was crowded. Their clientelle is mainly very young, twentish something year old people, and many go in pairs or grouops of three. I could be their mother! This is pretty strange. Most of the female clients girls there keep their hair between jaw line (a minority) and shoulder to breast level (most of them), with highlights. Informal long looks prevail.
The staff is basically young, dressing in trendy ways (for example, two of them  use those large glasses without graduated lenses just for ther sake of being fashionable, like may young people in fashionable Tokyo districts do). They are between 19 and 40, every hairdresser has an assistant. Probably between 50% of men and women there are gay, clients and professionals. My stylist is an agitated straight guy near his forties. He seems smart, skilled in reading people, guessing their profiles and preferences after few minutes of talk and observing how we dress, what we say and our movements. He gives full support to my requests and says it clearly: "a modern redhead woman like you definitively needs something stylish, going short suits you".
(I'll continue reporting this is in near future)
Posted by Harriet.

1 comment:

  1. You should cut your hair really short
