Purpose of the blog

A place to help "hair interested" people embrace, explore and experience their special feelings with others who may have similiar hair interests. Encouraging interactive participation in the "hair interested" community to discuss, learn and to increase social awareness and acceptance.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hair and me: a potential trauma transmuted into a deep pleasure.

I would love to learn how the passion for hair of every reader evolved. Please, tell us about it here! I am telling mine now: I started feeling excited by clipper cuts at an early age when I saw a boy as old as me being forcefully shorn with clippers by a barber in his apartment's bathroom, caped, sitting in a high chair. I was about 4 years old and it impressed me a lot. My parents told me he resisted so much during hair cuts that his parents had to call a barber home to give him a short crop, which would take longer to be repeated.
There was a department store we used to visit in which there was a barbershop for kids, cars and poneys standing for the chairs. Every time I went shopping with Mom, I would give a quick falsely casual look at the place, almost expecting to one of those scenes of boys or girls crying.
The climax of my experience in very tender years was when a nanny got lice and my mom fired her (I imagine, never asked) and I was taken to our usual hair salon for a short haircut, to prevent the infestation, ii imagine. Mom played at the stylist saying that he could shave me bald, and she said she was leaving for some minutes, to do some errands in the surroundings. I was left there, with the instruction that I should behave welll and wait for my turn, already sitting on a booster seast of one of the chairs. I was obedient and pretended not being afraid, pretending i was very mature. But I was absolutely afraid, imagining that all the scene was a kind of trap for me, that the stylist, a not so children friendly guy, was going to shave me bald because that was the realmdeal with mom, or that he would have misunderstood muy mom's joke on me and would buzz me completely. Nothing bad happened, it was just a child fantasy, but those events together resulted in woman who has a fantasy of submission in haircutting...
And at age ten I discovered the "grace of self-pleasure" and used those fantasies to fuel my mind.
THIS is crazy, I deserve the lunatics in fetish golden medal! And I am proud of it, I do no harm at all to anyone,,and get lots of pleasure from this, if I have the blessed opportunity of interacting with a hair fan too.
The best moment was discovering that many people everywhere belong to the same sister/brotherhood of hair fetish. What a relief and excitement it was!
Well, I write too much and as Harry always says "Go shorter, shorter is better"! LOL
Feel free to share your stories about the theme with us. The more we share, the more we promote self-acceptance and fight prejudice and misconcepts. Thanks for following this.


  1. Very nice sharing of your "hair interest" discovery and what you've done...so far to explore it and connect with others.

    Yes, shorter usually better.


  2. Thank you for sharing! I appreciate you starting a place like this for like-minded people. I look forward to reading updates and adding my own comments and stories. Take care, Pam

  3. You are welcome here, please contribute whenever you feel like.
    Harriet and Harry.
