Purpose of the blog

A place to help "hair interested" people embrace, explore and experience their special feelings with others who may have similiar hair interests. Encouraging interactive participation in the "hair interested" community to discuss, learn and to increase social awareness and acceptance.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Makeover for busy young woman.

The soundtrack is not my favorite, neither the editing. And I would change those bangs, too much soccer mom like. Posted by Harriet, feeling very picky today concerning hairstyle.

1 comment:

  1. I really like that. The guy did me a favor. He took this woman from someone that would have gotten my attention in any public setting to someone now invisible.

    I don't like all long hair, but find some long hair to be rather enchanting. By the same token a woman with an extremely short style or even totally shaved can have that mystique that men seek after. However, as you state, soccer mom is yawn.
