Purpose of the blog

A place to help "hair interested" people embrace, explore and experience their special feelings with others who may have similiar hair interests. Encouraging interactive participation in the "hair interested" community to discuss, learn and to increase social awareness and acceptance.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

This is what I got. Does it look a bit shorter than my previous cut?


  1. Wow! You did need a haircut!! Looks great!

  2. Ganz gut- sehr nette. Smile on face shows you are happy . So are your followers. Vielen Dank for sharing. Great cut on you-close neck

  3. Would be honor and much pleasure to cut and color your hair. Neck tapering very attractive

  4. seeing you without your glasses first time- you have great face to go with your great haircuts

  5. Looks Great. Love that kissable neck.

  6. Looks good!
    I still think that you should take it a bit closer int he nape and cut the top a bit shorter, that would look really good on you.

    Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  7. Have folk seen Kat Surth with her new crew cut- stunning as ever

  8. Looks beautiful! So love seeing a teasing glimpse of your pretty face.

  9. Looks great. Absolutely love your nape!!!!!!! :)

  10. Have you considered a flattop? You would look striking with something unexpectedly severe next time. Ask your stylist and perhaps there will be an accident you would secretly enjoy
