Purpose of the blog

A place to help "hair interested" people embrace, explore and experience their special feelings with others who may have similiar hair interests. Encouraging interactive participation in the "hair interested" community to discuss, learn and to increase social awareness and acceptance.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A story by Cliper2

Cliper 2 wrote a delicious piece of shaving erotica. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

"She took her time, laying out the implements of the preparation, the beginning of going shorter, just shorter.
Then she ran the warm bath, so soothing after a long week. She added a little scented oil as the tub filled. Then she slipped in up to her neck, the ends of her hair floating on the surface.

She imagined the day, her day, that lie ahead, her body responding to the images she carefully drew in her mind. This was luxury time, anticipation time.

Eventually, she sponged herself clean, then reached over for the lather and the razor, shaving her legs with long, luscious strokes, being sure to get every spot, ever so careful.

When she was smooth, she drained the tub and say on the side, eyeing the implements. She toweled herself dry, then took the small Remington clippers in hand, returning again to the side of the tub.

She turned them on, the familiar hum arousing her, hardening her nipples, and then she slowly took them through the curls of her pubic hair. The preparation had begun. Slowly, enjoyably, she used the clippers, shaving her curls clean, occasionally resting them against herself, enjoying the vibration.

When she'd given herself a proper bush buzz cut, she admired it, took a deep breath, and then reached for the lather. Smooth, he'd said. He wanted her smooth. She rubbed in the lather, carefully spreading it around, but not in. And then she began stroking the razor, taking it all off, the last of it, committed now to the transformation, the experience, the arousing adventure."
Posted by Harriet.

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