Purpose of the blog

A place to help "hair interested" people embrace, explore and experience their special feelings with others who may have similiar hair interests. Encouraging interactive participation in the "hair interested" community to discuss, learn and to increase social awareness and acceptance.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

My nape hair grows too fast

I should date a barber so he could take care of my nape every week!


  1. Splendid idea. If lived in same area would be happy to oblige and have honors of doing your nape clean ups-also ravishing red color

  2. Meine frau goes to friseur next Thurday for spring do over. New brow shape ,colur und schnitt. Always a stimulus

  3. Total agree post 1. If had privlege would have you change into elegant soft silky salon jacket or gown. Gently brush hair out while teasing whisper in ear how short going to go for mutual liking. Perhaps tease even going shorter to watch you blush as know you like it Apply neck strip/swirl and drape elegant cape over you snug but not so tight. Firm but gentle push of chin down into chest, pop switch on clippers and begin the cropping being sure you get to see all hair falling on cape. Finish /apply color to brows and hair. that concluded tidy up little neck hairs on neck/ spin you about to see new refreshed look

  4. Why don't you try to take it a bit shorter so it stays on the okay side for a week longer? :)
    Try 3mm shorter next time and have it faded smoothly to you longer hair on top.
    Looking forward to see the result in your next update. ;)

  5. couple new video by Ta77 on you tube- maybe inspire you to take to nubs up back of neck and head to skull bone and white walls on sides. Eine gut topschnitt- almost ladies flat top

  6. Your nape is anxiously awaiting the clippers for a sprucing up
