Purpose of the blog

A place to help "hair interested" people embrace, explore and experience their special feelings with others who may have similiar hair interests. Encouraging interactive participation in the "hair interested" community to discuss, learn and to increase social awareness and acceptance.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I love when I am shorn... Hard to stop petting my own nape


  1. I think everyone likes it when you're shorn :)

  2. Yes it looks really good when its short!
    I actually think you should take it a bit shorter next time. How do you feel about that?

    1. I hesitate. Looking girly with short hair is an art that I pursue faithfully!

    2. You should only take the nape down much shorter and still keep the length on top! I think a hard line with undercut would look good on you.That will maintain your look and girly feel but give you the nice playground for your short hair thoughts. :)

  3. You know how I feel without elaborating as much as I want to. Think about what you did a year ago and then what you just did and all still without looking like a boy.

  4. you so girly and you know.....
